更新时间:2025-01-04 浏览数:344
    价格:¥9.00 元/个 起
    AKOKEN牌油封总部在美国加里福尼亚州,生产厂家从1958年气车,摩托车密封件开始,开拓市场50多年来,产品已覆盖世界50多个国家,从单一产品提升为产品,其空压机油封已被西方各发达国家生产商所认可,现油封适用于各种机头(如GHH,瑞德康普,阿特拉斯,复盛,机头)AKOKEN油封从旋转方式来分,分为左旋,右旋,无旋,从唇边层数分为,三层,双层,单层.骨架油封是油封的典型代表,一般说的油封即是指骨架油封,它主要的是里面的铁弗龙环(胶圈)化学名也叫聚四氟乙稀,承受压力为16Mpa,承受的温度为230度-250度,承受的转数为7000转。AKOKEN轴套是的油封套与普通的轴套是不一样的,它的优点是45度斜角30度的倒角,这样的设计对安装方便灵活,它主要针对的是与主机厂配套适用于各种机头,规格齐全。欢迎各界同仁来人来电咨询、洽谈!详细资料至公司索取。我们将以的产品,低的价格,的服务与您密切合作,共谋发展! 【进口压缩机亚洲配送中心】【中国空压机备品备件营销中心】
    轴油封.轴套适用于以下空压机:瑞典Atlas.Copco(阿特拉斯),美国Ingersoll-Rand(英格索兰),SULLAIR(寿力),英国CompAir(康普艾),日本HITACHI(日立),KOBELCO(神钢),Iwata(岩田),德国ECOAIR(艾高),BOGE(宝驹),Lingein(凌格风),闽台FS(复盛),柳州LiUTEHCH(富达),Schneider(施耐德),昆西Quincy,优耐特unite,聚才JuCai,霸尔BAUER,风霸HYDROVANE,巨霸PUMA,罗德康普ROTORCOMP,优耐特斯(UNITED OSD),博莱特(BLT),Gardner Denver(GD),汉钟(Hanbell), 斯可络(SCR),锡压(XY) ,正力精工(Ganey) ,施耐德日盛 ,飞和(feihe) ,优耐特斯(UNITED OSD),申行健(SEC),固力GOODAIR,韩信HANSHIN,曼MANN,向阳ROTOCOMP,格哈哈GHH等等空压机及主机。部分油封规格如下: 28×47×7,30×52×7,35×47×7,35×50×12,35×50×8,35×55×11,35×65×14,37×50×10,37×55×11.5,38×50×12,38×55×15,40×60×8,40×55×8,40×55×12, 40×62×8,40×62×10,40×62×12,42×80×12,44.5×58.73×10,45×60×8,45×60×12,45×62×8,45×62×15,45×65×10,45×65×12,45×68×8,45×68×12,48×70×10,49×70×10 ,50×65×8, 50×65×10,50×68×8,50×70×10,50×72×8,50×72×12,54×73×10,55×70×15,55×72×8,55×72×10,55×72×15,55×75×12,55×80×10,60×75×8,60×75×15,60×80×8,60×80×10,60×80×12,60×85×10,65×80×8,65×80×12,65×85×10,65×85×12 65×90×10,68×90×10,68×100×12,70×90×10,70×95×15,70×100×10,70×100×12,73×95×10,75×95×10,75×100×10,75×100×12,76.2×100×12,80×100×10,85×110×10,85×110×12,90×120×12,95×120×12 ,95×130×15 ,100×120×12,100×130×12,95×130×12,110×130×12,110×140×12,110×140×22,125×150×12,125×160×15.........
    AKOKEN card seal headquarters in USA California, manufacturers from 1958 gas car, motorcycle seal started, open up the market for over 50 years, the products have covered more than 50 countries in the world, from a single product promotion is a special product, the air compressor oil seal has been recognized each developed country western manufacturers, is suitable for the oil seal a variety of head (such as GHH, Reed Kemp, Atlas, Fu Sheng, head) AKOKEN oil seal from the rotation the way to points, divided into the left-hand, right-hand, irrotational, divided into three layers, from the lips, double, single. Skeleton oil seal is a typical representative of oil seal, oil seal generally is refers to the skeleton oil seal, it is the most important Teflon ring inside (apron) chemical name is also called the PTFE, under pressure of 16Mpa, to withstand the temperature of 230 degrees -250 degrees, bear 7000 revolutions. AKOKEN bushing is dedicated to the oil seal sleeve and the common shaft sleeve is not the same, it has the advantage of the 45 degree angle of chamfer angle 30 degrees, so that the design of the installation more convenient and flexible, it is mainly for and applicable to various host plant supporting head, complete specifications. Welcome people from all walks of life come to call to consult, negotiate the details to a company for. We will be first-class products, low prices, quality services with you in close cooperation, and seek common development!
    The enterprise website: [imported compressor International Asia distribution center] [Chinese air compressor spare parts marketing center]
    Shaft seal sleeve is suitable for the following brand air compressor: Sweden Atlas.Copco (Atlas America), Ingersoll-Rand (Ingersoll Rand), SULLAIR (Shou Li), the British CompAir (Kang Puai), HITACHI (Japan Hitachi), KOBELCO (Kobelco), Iwata (Yan Tian), Germany ECOAIR (Ai Gao), BOGE (Bao Ju), Lingein (Ling Gefeng), Taiwan FS (Fu Sheng), Liuzhou LiUTEHCH (fidelity), Schneider (Schneider), Quincy Quincy, northern unite, poly JuCai, Ba Er BAUER, wind PA HYDROVANE, puma PUMA, Rod Campo ROTORCOMP, Yuu Knight J (UNITED OSD), Pollet (BLT), Gardner Denver (GD), Han Zhong (Hanbell), SCR (SCR), tin (XY), press Ganey (Ganey), Schneider sunshine, and (Feihe), Yuu Knight J (UNITED OSD), Shen Xingjian (SEC), at GOODAIR, Han Xin HANSHIN, man MANN, Yang ROTOCOMP, lattice ha GHH and so on air compressor and host. Parts oil seal specifications are as follows: 28×47×7,30×52×7,35×47×7,35×50×12,35×50×8,35×55×11,35×65×14,37×50×10,37×55×11.5,38×50×12,38×55×15,40×60×8,40×55×8,40×55×12, 40×62×8,40×62×10,40×62×12,42×80×12,44.5×58.73×10,45×60×8,45×60×12,45×62×8,45×62×15,45×65×10,45×65×12,45×68×8,45×68×12,48×70×10,49×70×10 ,50×65×8, 50×65×10,50×68×8,50×70×10,50×72×8,50×72×12,54×73×10,55×70×15,55×72×8,55×72×10,55×72×15,55×75×12,55×80×10,60×75×8,60×75×15,60×80×8,60×80×10,60×80×12,60×85×10,65×80×8,65×80×12,65×85×10,65×85×12 65×90×10,68×90×10,68×100×12,70×90×10,70×95×15,70×100×10,70×100×12,73×95×10,75×95×10,75×100×10,75×100×12,76.2×100×12,80×100×10,85×110×10,85×110×12,90×120×12,95×120×12 ,95×130×15 ,100×120×12,100×130×12,95×130×12,110×130×12,110×140×12,110 ×140×22,125×150×12,125×160×15.........
    规格 : AKOKEN ;
    外形尺寸(长*宽*高) : AKOKEN(mm) ;
    型号 : AKOKEN ;
    适用压缩机类型 : 螺杆式压缩机 ;
     : ATLAS COPCO/阿特拉斯科普柯 ;
    配件名称 : 油封 ;
    配件用途 : 密封件 ;
    配件类型 : 常规配件 ;
    加工定制 : 否 ;

