小压力阀 VMC 压力阀220.1420 空压机小压力阀220.0420 螺杆空压机小压力阀
更新时间:2025-01-29 浏览数:646
包装说明:VMC小压力阀G25,G32,G40,G46,G50,G55,G60意大利VMC空压机小压力阀小压力阀 VMC 压力阀220.1420 空压机小压力阀220.0420 螺杆空压机小压力阀
价格:¥1.00 元/件 起
产品规格VMC小压力阀型号:G25,G32,G40,G46,G50,G55,G60...及阀件维修包包装说明VMC小压力阀G25,G32,G40,G46,G50,G55,G60意大利VMC空压机小压力阀小压力阀 VMC 压力阀220.1420 空压机小压力阀220.0420 螺杆空压机小压力阀
小压力阀由阀体、阀芯、调节螺母、弹簧、密封元件等组成。小压力阀的作用:1、小压力阀的作用是缓冲一下,当机器在加载瞬间,我们假设排放到大气中,机器内部分离前与分离后产生的大压差将全部加在分离器上,造成对分离器芯的伤害;2 、机器油润滑是靠机器本身的压力差进行,没有额外的油泵辅助,当机器在空载状态时,仍需一定压力维持油循环,所以进气阀门相对关闭,而小压力阀防止压力泄漏,这样保证润滑油循环。3、小压力阀主要起建立机组内压,促使润滑油循环、满足减荷阀的工作压力等作用。4、另外小压力阀也起单向阀的作用,防止机组在卸载运行时储气罐中的压缩空气倒流至空压机。VMC小压力阀型号:G25,G32,G40,G46,G50,G55,G60...及阀件维修包,欢迎各界同仁来人来电咨询、洽谈!详细资料至公司索取。我们将以的产品,低的价格,的服务与您密切合作,共谋发展! 企业官网: 国内热线:400-6969-728 技术咨询:021-51602627 51602681 【进口压缩机亚洲配送中心】【中国空压机备品备件营销中心】 Minimum pressure valve by valve body, valve core, adjust nut, spring, sealing element, etc. The role of the minimum pressure valve: 1, the minimum pressure valve is used to buffer, when the machine load moment, we assume that the emissions into the atmosphere, the machine internal separation of before and after the separation of large differential pressure will be added on the separator, the separator core damage; 2, watch oil lubrication depends on the pressure difference between the machine itself, no additional auxiliary pump, when the machine is in idle state, still need some pressure to maintain oil circulation, so the inlet valve is relatively closed, and the minimum pressure valve to prevent leakage, so that guarantee the oil circulation. Unit 3, minimum pressure valve is mainly to establish internal pressure, pushing oil circulation, satisfy the load reducing valve working pressure, and so on. 4, the minimum pressure valve also ACTS as one-way valve, prevent unloading the runtime propane tanks of compressed air back to the air compressor. Welcome colleagues from all walks of life come to inquire, negotiate! Detailed information to company to claim. We will be first-class products, low prices, high quality service in close cooperation with you and seek common development! Corporate website: Domestic hotline: 400-6969-728 Technical consultation: 021-51602627 51602681 【 imported compressor international Asia distribution center 】 【 Chinese air compressor spare parts marketing center】规格 : 20-125 ; 压力环境 : 高压 ; 适用介质 : 空气 ; 用途 : 泄压 ; 驱动方式 : 气动 ; 流动方向 : 换向 ; 类型(通道位置) : 直动式 ; 连接形式 : 法兰 ; 适用范围 : 空压机 ; 产品别名 : 小压力阀 ; 型号 : VMC ; : VMC ; 材质 : 铸铁 ; 工作压差 : 1-16 ; 介质温度 : 500(℃) ;